the PD forum on the topic “The Europe we want”, with Prodi, Letta and Schlein

On Saturday he worked for the Democratic Party, almost a reaction to the Fratelli d’Italia event…

“We don’t care if someone doesn’t believe in Italy at the European Championships”

There is only the blue, that of Italy, no political connotation or “quail jump”, as some…

Record tourism is keeping the economy alive

“Record-breaking tourism keeps the Italian economy alive,” highlights a “focal point” from the study center Confindustria,…

The European Institute of Design (IED) presents “Denoise” at Alcova Miami

“We believe that design and creativity are characterized by curiosity and understanding: they are the basis…

Max Giusti reveals: “I had a very serious health problem, 48 hours ago I found out that I no longer have it”

Is called The second chance the new film with Max Giusti. We will be seen on…

The ECB is leaving interest rates unchanged. Lagarde: "Inflation could soon rise again"

The President explained the Frankfurt decision. The interest rate for main refinancing remains unchanged at 4.50%,…

The weight of the parties and the opinion of the Meloni government in the December political barometer from Demopolis

The photo on the weight of parties taken by the December political barometer of the Demopolis…

Sports judge disqualifies an entire team

The game of the championship of the first category of the province of Modena, between Consolata…

Flurona, Pregliasco: "The symptoms and risks of a double infection"

The virologist from the State University of Milan: “A vaccination against both viruses is essential, especially…

The Castellani collection is on display at the Rovati Foundation in Milan

There is a monogram with the double C that was invented and widely used in female…