“Let’s grow up together”, the Fondazione Telethon marathon returns to the Rai networks

Sofia, 9 years old She graduated in January and suffers from SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) type…

Biennale Arte 2024. Elenco dei Padiglioni Nazionali

L’artista indigeno Archie Moore, appartenente alla First Nation e residente nel Queensland, è stato scelto per…

Foggia, slow start to the very wide field: the city is without a council 47 days after the elections

TensionsJoints that fit together into one Maxi coalitionthe look European which fuels internal party calculations. And…

Stability Pact, the extraordinary Ecofin meeting will take place from December 18th to 21st. Giorgetti: “Today I’m moving forward”

There is still no agreement on the new stability pact, but we are almost there. The…

Macron would like Draghi, the EPP supports von der Leyen

“We have no comment on this.” Elysée sources are responding to a question about the newspaper’s…

devastating crash during the race dominated by Goggia

Big scare for Elena Curtoni at the giant slalom race in Saint Moritz, which Sofia Goggia…

7 million Italians travel at a cost of 2.7 billion

you will be 7 million Italians to take advantage of the long weekend Immaculate Conception Long…

Reggia Contemporanea alla Villa Reale di Monza

Una rinascita a lungo attesa sembra essersi finalmente compiuta: la Villa Reale di Monza, capolavoro architettonico…

As Berlusconi’s viceroy at dinner (with photo) with Pd and M5s council members: Miccichè hands over the leadership to the opposition united against the Schifani junta

From 61 to 0 To1 against all. The parable of Gianfranco Micciché is immortalized in one…

Piazza Affari at its highest level since 2008, BTP yield below 4%

Stock markets are rising again today in both Europe and the United States as investors expect…