7 million Italians travel at a cost of 2.7 billion

you will be 7 million Italians to take advantage of the long weekend Immaculate Conception Long Weekend on December 8th. They will at least stay overnight one nighton the one hand in tourist accommodation establishments and houses for short-term rental Spending around 2.7 billion euros. A bridge that In 75% of cases it is no more than 3 days with 2 overnight stays. Numbers correspond to those of last yearalbeit tendentially Average expenses are reduced. These are the main data of theConfcommercio Tourism Observatory for Italian Holidays, created in collaboration with SWG.

The Holidays abroad Instead, they are is increasing, especially among younger people, among those without families and among those who decide to take a longer vacation. The result is that the number of Italians who thought of spending the Immaculate Conception abroad in 2022 was 11%, today it is 18%.

The feeling of Familys shows two different attitudes: on the one hand, the desire to return to pre-pandemic habits, on the other hand, an uncertainty dictated by the international scenario, which in the last month has led to around 500,000 Italians foregoing a trip for this will he had planned. In general, more than half of respondents say that no matter how much they want to vacation in winter, they will only make the final decision at the last moment or based on the offers they can find.

Art cities, big cities, mountain resorts and coastal destinations are at the top of the list of those leavingwhere, however, the sudden change in weather with colder temperatures and good snow conditions at high altitude will encourage last minute rushes Mountain destinations. Without forgetting the effect Christmas Marketwhich has for some time no longer been the exclusive prerogative of the Alpine arc, but has become an enriching element of the offer of a large part of the art cities and many areas also of the center-south Campaniafor theUmbria for the Laziowhich together with Lombardy And Piedmont educate the Top five regions Choices for travel.

Even those who choose to do so‘abroad is strongly attracted by the pre-Christmas atmosphere of the major capitals of France, Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom or even New York for those traveling abroad. But the exotic near the Red Sea or a little further away in the Indian Ocean returns to wink at the Italians.

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