As Berlusconi’s viceroy at dinner (with photo) with Pd and M5s council members: Miccichè hands over the leadership to the opposition united against the Schifani junta

From 61 to 0 To1 against all. The parable of Gianfranco Micciché is immortalized in one Selfies recorded on Wednesday evening and posted on the social profile of Ismaele La VarderaPresident of The south calls the norththe party of Cateno De Lucawho writes: “The compact oppositions, P.D, M5s And South Call north And mixedgeneral tests, ready to beat Schifani“. The picture looks like this: Regional Democratic MPs, 5 stars, from De Lucas’ party are sitting at a long table at dinner. In the middle – a glass of red wine in his hand – the former viceroy raises his glass Silvio Berlusconi. So what the photo does the round of chat and social media and the suspicion is that they “general tests“, which are a prelude to a political future with Micciché. “There is no other plan than one common opposition“, however, emphasizes La Vardera. And the other guests agree with him.

Two days of work In Budget Commission and then approval must be given by December 31st Stability lawa great job “without the necessary comparison time,” he emphasizes Nello Di Pasquale, from the Democratic Party, also shown in the photo. Limited times that force the opponent into close proximity, almost intimacy, that’s the only reason for dinner, improviseYou say, at the end of the session on behalf. The government presented the budget at the last minute, eliminating the technical time “to listen not only to the opposition but also to the categories: this is not the budget of the Sicilians, but of the government,” continues Di Pasquale. An initiative by the regional government Forza Italia Renato Schifaniwhat unites the opposition.

And among them, indeed, the historic former lieutenant of Berlusconi in Sicily, the man who crafted the center-left mantle. After taking the lead twiceSicilian Regional Assemblynow sits between the benches of this classroom and in the restaurant, like thatSingle component of group mixed. And that’s it Scale needle, as was the case last week when the regional council did not vote on the consolidated budget. “It is the plastic representation of individualism, where there is no collective discourse, one can move from these excesses, i.e. from the victory of the center-right, to rejection,” argues an expert on Sicilian politics close to the right. It is also the image of the Forza Italia supporters in Sicily: on the one hand, they represent the president who runs the island’s administration, but on the other hand, they are part of an increasingly divided group.

The outburst of Micciché, an opponent of the opposition, actually coincides with the two days of the Forza Italia supporters Taorminathe event organized by Marco Falcona few weeks ago, which consolidated the weight of the same city councilor for economics (from which Schifani had removed the delegation) within the party EU funds and Pnrr(a disappointment according to some). And it was precisely in those days that Forza Italia had turned its back on her Toto Cuffaro for the next EuropeanThis eliminates the need to sew the fabric Shifani with the friend Vasa Vasa.

The triumph of Falcone on the one hand, the loneliness of Micciché on the other, which, even if alone, can paralyze the majority. Sicily thus conveys a strong image of the post-Berluscon phase of Forza Italia, in which “Mister 61 to 0” ends up having dinner with the opposition: “We ate well“If it seems politically important to you, write it,” he comments, but doesn’t say anything else. A popular restaurant, Grandma Rita, the typical Palermo cuisine. “I I ate meatballs“, he jokes about it Nuccio Di Paola: It was “a dinner – explains the former M5 presidential candidate – between the opposition forces working against the implementation of a maneuver with which we disagree, first in terms of modality and then in substance”. And his party comrade agrees with him, Louis Sunseri, also at dinner: “We have intensive work ahead of us and it is an opportunity for all of us to think together. It’s just that and I honestly don’t understand the urgency of publishing the selfie.” “Better than a thousand press releases“: a way of saying that the opposition is united,” claims La Vardera, who published the photo after the Democratic Party sent a statement in the afternoon on behalf of the same Democrats, the M5, Sud Ciama Nord and the Mixed Group. But the selfie sends chats and social networks into a tailspin just for the diner in the middle of the table and in the photo: “Whether we like it or not, he decided to do it.” Be part of the opposition“, shrugs the author of the article. “There are no candidacies from anyone, but after all there is no time, this is the moment of opposition and in this moment there is great harmony,” Dipasquale also clarifies. Harmony against the government of Forza Italia, a party that has always had strong electoral support in Sicily. At least back then, when Mr. 61 to 0 was sitting at other tables.

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