Foggia, slow start to the very wide field: the city is without a council 47 days after the elections

TensionsJoints that fit together into one Maxi coalitionthe look European which fuels internal party calculations. And so Foggianow 47 days after the elections, still has none arrived. It was celebrated as Victory symbol of the very wide field, because Maria Aida Episcopo, headmistress, had managed to catalyze all the center-left forces around her. Out of action And Italia Viva until M5sthrough the P.D and the civics of Michele EmilianoIn total, there were ten lists supporting the new mayor, who will be tasked with revitalizing a city that is at the bottom of the rankings The sun 24 hours for quality of life and exit Mafia Commissioner after Investigations which had overwhelmed the Lega Nord’s second mandate Franco Landella.

However, the start was very slow. The mayor must hold all forces together, form a council that reflects local forces, and must not displease anyone. Displayed by M5sHowever, Episcopo is believed independent and she intends not to show favoritism. In short: hands free. The Discussions As they continue, she assures us that the atmosphere is ultimately calm and that they will be leaving soon. Perhaps Mondaywhen it will meet for the first time City council. The fact is that they are not there at the moment designated city councilors. In fact, names enter and exit the boxes of one risk which soon turned into a Puzzle. A lot – as told by Morning – revolves around who will lead the public works. Episcopo wants to take Giuseppe Galasso from Foggia away from the council of Antonio Decaro, who rules in Bari.

A step that is directed against the M5 MP Mario Furore Who is looking for an “armored” re-nomination a Brussels and relies heavily on the creation of the Episcopo Council to obtain accreditation Giuseppe Conte. Meanwhile, the former prime minister has made great efforts election campaign to support Application the former headmaster, who has another problem in addition to the task of putting the puzzle together. There actually is one exposed presented by another mayoral candidate that revolves around theincompatibility his role as manager of theState School Office from Foggia and school director. Episcopo would not yet officially hold this office given upas the expectation for the role of meeting it is not intended.

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