“Let’s grow up together”, the Fondazione Telethon marathon returns to the Rai networks

Sofia, 9 years old She graduated in January and suffers from SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) type 2. She loves dancing, painting, swimming, playing and going to school. She is the face of the Telethon 2023 campaign. Thanks to the support of her parents, she sets no limits. But only scientific research can give her the greatest gift: the future.

Since she was three years old, Sofia and her parents, mother Valentina and father Giuseppe, have been traveling to Rome to the Nemo Center every four months the Gemelli Polyclinicto carry out therapy with the drug Spinraza. From one visit to the next, the little girl learned to smile and hope. Valentina remembers: “The effect of the therapy was immediately visible: His tone became louder, his breathing rhythm became more regular, he felt less sick. And above all, some things had become possible that he couldn’t do before. Spinraza is one of the three treatments for SMA that Sofia has to follow throughout her life and that in her case This allows it to improve year after year.

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