Uganda, a journey between primates

So similar that it makes us smile. Amazement turns into joy and deep respect in the presence of a gorilla, the largest living primate, belonging to the family of anthropomorphic monkeys, those closest to humans from an evolutionary point of view. Only the chimpanzee and the bonobo surpass it, but it will be the size, the posture or the expression, lacking only the word, that makes it in all respects a distant relative, undoubtedly more carefree and without “good manners”. , exuberant in manners and fierce in style, wrapped in a brown cloak, silver on the strong backs of grown men. We are fascinated by that familiar feeling of offspring, socialization and play moments, projections of our habits despite the massive and somewhat awkward presence, the curved posture, the large protruding nostrils and the protruding mouth, characteristics that take us back to the presence of a protagonist of the forest.

Uganda is considered the home of primates. The East African gorilla species thrives at high and low altitudes and is divided into lowland gorillas and gorillas rare endangered subspecies of mountain gorillas, a few hundred specimens that only live in this corner of Africa. Discovering them is a stroke of luck, but above all a question of sensitivity: you don’t just see them to immortalize a trophy photo, you observe them to get to know them and learn to respect them. An approach shared by those who organize a safari with full respect for the environment and biodiversity and by conscious travelers who want to shape the experience through the protection and preservation of natural riches as well as the intangible treasure of local traditions. For this reason, those who live with respect can listen to her and discover the beauty that surrounds her Manufactured by Turisanda created sensitivityvaluable experiences in close contact with the planet.

Uganda, with sensitivity

You will be able to discover thatUganda right there Moodimmersed in something Winston Churchill Are defined “The Pearl of Africa“, enchanted by the incredible variety of colors and the unique vibrancy of this country. You cross the plains of the barren savannah, the territory of the large African mammals, elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes and rhinos, you cross the valleys and forests of Ruwenzori massif, It is the roof of the country and the third peak in all of Africa and runs along the banks of the Lake Victoriathe largest on the continent, and you go up the river White Nile, one of the main tributaries of the legendary river, which reaches the Mediterranean with its flow. In this corner of Africa you have the opportunity to experience many adventures, one of which is truly special: a close encounter with primates, the real protagonists of the western region of Uganda. A dive into the beauty of an untouched habitat to be discovered with an exceptional guide Travel expert Who will accompany you during the tour? For the occasion, You will travel with us Fernanda, Simona And Peter, lovers of African countries as well as lovers of ecotourism who can tell you the wonders of meeting these fantastic animals, from chimpanzees to the rare mountain gorilla. Your passion will satisfy all your needs and curiosities.

Adventures among primates

“…I would have returned to a place where I enjoyed living, really living and not just spending my days.Hemingway perfectly describes the meaning of a trip to the heart of Africa. The suggestions Sensitivity of Made You will be inspired by these very words, making the experience an authentic and meaningful one, able to create a harmonious relationship with the environment that surrounds you. Adventures among primates From Made offers you an immersive journey that follows the Western Circuit of Uganda itinerary. You can go with one “individual” tour This includes a minimum of 2 participants and a local Italian-speaking guide, every Monday of the month, or with a group of a minimum of 9 to a maximum of 12 participants, with accompaniment from Italyspecial departures are scheduled for March 25, June 30, August 11 and October 27, 2024.

Whether it is an exciting group tour adding a new friend, rest assured, or an individual experience, Uganda will amaze you. departure from Kampala, the vibrant capital nestled on seven hills like ours, which thrived again after the civil war of 1978-79. Northwest direction, towards the city Masindi and that Murchison Falls National Park, the largest nature reserve in the country. At the Ziwa Reserve You will have your first exciting encounter with the animals, a place where the rare white rhinos have been reintroduced thanks to a careful conservation project. You are just the beginning of a long series of incredible sightings: you will see lions, giraffes, elephants, buffalo and numerous species of antelope, without ever forgetting to turn your nose up to admire the colorful birds that populate the sky, in particular these from moist areas, ideal for bird watching. You’ll stop at the White Nile delta in Lake Albert and sail along the river’s gentle waters before admiring its power on the panoramic terrace.On top of the falls“, the top of the falls, where the river narrows into a narrow gorge of just 7 meters before making a 43-meter plunge into the depths Albertina Rift Valley.

Trekking and unforgettable encounters

You will immerse yourself in the most intense atmosphere of equatorial nature to discover the habits of primates, thanks to dedicated trekking tours and beautiful activities made possible by the on-site after years of preparatory workJane Goodall International Institute, active in habitat protection and primate protection. You will wander through the undergrowth of the Budongo Forest populated by chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, vervet monkeys and baboons. The tour continues in the green lung of Bugoma Forestan important protected area monitored byBugoma Forest Conservation Association (ACBF). This is the kingdom of the Ugandan Mangabi people who live with the villagers Nyakafunjowhere you have the opportunity to interact with the locals.

The next stop is the familiar Queen Elizabeth National Park, the second largest in the country, which is home to 95 species of mammals and over 600 species of birds. In the southern area of Ishasha You can take part in an exciting photo safari that reveals not only the beauty of the animals but also some interesting curiosities: in this area it is possible to spot lions lurking on the branches of fig trees, a habit of the cats from which they escape want heat of the hottest hours. In addition to the spectacle of the scene, you will always understand the context, regardless of the habitats and the protagonists, that is, in the high altitude tropical forests where theBwindi Impenetrable Park, is located south of Uganda at an altitude of 2,300 meters. The name perfectly describes the dense vegetation that covers this plateau, the kingdom of the magnificent mountain gorillas. To discover them, you enter the area in small groups and walk in silence: a maximum of 8 people for each gorilla family, an encounter worth the trip. The last stop of the tour is the Lake Mburo National Park, a small area in the central Ankole region. Also known as the “Home of the Zebras,” muses that trot quickly in the elegance of their fur, this Eden is characterized by a rare mix of natural environments: the savanna meets dense acacia forests and numerous wetlands, a variety of habitat that makes up an area full of biodiversity. Places, animals and colors, Uganda is a country that will stay in your heart “to really live“.

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