The 5 Star Movement donates 1,700 laptops to schools. “You don’t save at school, you invest”

We said it and we did it. As a member of the M5S we have given up 1 million euros: We put them aside to give back to the citizens invest in schools“: Thus begins the post of Pentastellato leader Joseph Contethose from his side Facebook introduces the project We do digital school.

In fact, the plan envisages the distribution of approx 1700 computers that are made available 198 public schools who requested it. A key contributor on the way toinnovation Digital inside schools, although “these PCs will certainly not solve the problems of Italian schools,” continues the former Prime Minister. However, it is certain that many students will have more tools at their disposal, just as we trust that this concrete gesture can also be read by the students Government as a positive political signal: I don’t care about the school eligible reductions but they are needed significant investments“.

The amount allocated to the project comes from give up a part of Compensations and Refunds provided for the parliamentarians of 5 Star Movement and the IT equipment provided is earmarked – to be understood as a voluntary donation concrete projects (for example: setting up a computer room, upgrading existing PCs, making them available to less well-off students, extracurricular projects and activities, etc.) presented by various Italian institutes.

The initiative ended on February 8, 2023 (the deadline for schools to fill in the form provided on the M5S website) and then a special commission selected the projects to be funded. The list of selected institutions is available for download Here. “We must not waste or divert the resources earmarked for our children’s education. education and knowledge are commonswhich must be of high quality and remain accessible to all!” he affirmed With you Always on FacebookClosing the presentation of the initiative.

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