“Strengthening trust in the judiciary”

It is underway in Rome, at the headquarters of the Palazzo dei Marescialli Extraordinary session of the plenary session of the Supreme Council of Justice chaired by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella.

Opening the meeting, the Justice Minister said, Carlo Nordiomade his announcements on the draft law on Judicial reform Underlines the importance of “strengthening trust in the judiciary: one of the pillars of the rule of law” and recalls that a loss of public opinion in the judiciary would also weaken the fight against crime.

rain shower

Carlo Nordio, Minister of Justice

“My presence today is not only an occasion for a dutiful tribute to the high institution that welcomes me, but also to reaffirm one of the constitutional principles that I hope will characterize every area of ​​my service: that loyal cooperation. The concept of loyal cooperation must be understood in a strong sense, as a principle that orients the actors of the legal system towards a connection between thought and action achieving common goals. In my opinion, this collaboration between the CSM and the Minister is the key to restoring justice in the country, ever closer to the needs of the community.”

For the Justice chapter, the Keeper of the Seals added, “it is necessary to continue with the elimination of the backlog and the reduction of….” Disposition time of the processes. The early signs are encouraging and, although it is necessary to wait for more consolidated results, I would like to applaud every judicial office and every judge for the efforts they are making in the pursuit of these goals.”

The “maximum synergy” between the CSM and the Minister of Justice “is particularly desirable at this historical moment to ensure punctuality.” Implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan“.

“Allow me, from the seat of the autonomous governing body of the judiciary, to convey my congratulations to all judicial offices and to each judge for the efforts – and responsibility – with which they knowingly contribute to the pursuit of these objectives.” as the Pnrr a unique opportunity for the country.” And the success of the Pnrr – explained Nordio, addressing the head of state directly, “as you, Mr. President, have repeatedly reminded us”, “depends on the commitment of everyone”. And “the implementation of the commitments signed with Europe means that the judiciary will become even more efficient and of higher quality: the interventions are not only limited to the preparation of organizational instruments and measures, but also centrally affect the jurisprudence and thus the guarantees of autonomy” and independence , whose guarantor and guardian is the CSM. In this regard, the Council is fully involved in the path towards achieving the objectives it has set out with the citizens and also with Europe.”

Certificates to the Robes: The assessment of organizational skills is based on objective criteria

“With regard to professionalism, priority has been given to the quality of the judge’s judicial work, with particular attention to the transparency and timeliness of the proceedings,” he explained the scheme of Legislative Decree on the assessment of judges based on the so-called “certificates”.

“For the selection of managers – explained Nordio – it was envisaged that the assessment of organizational capabilities would be carried out on the basis of objective parameters and that the results achieved would be concretely evaluated for confirmation. This will be accompanied by an improvement in the selection procedures for judges for the Court of Cassation and the Public Prosecutor’s Officeconsistent with the attribution of the nomophylactic function of the court”.

“The purpose of all these interventions, as can be seen, is twofold: to ensure the efficiency and quality of the work of the offices and to restore the authority for the exercise of jurisdiction in all its aspects,” concluded the minister.

Judicial reform: “Prosecutors will never be subject to executive power”

“There is nothing eternal in this world except the words of the Lord. The rest is changeable. And the Constitution too.” If it were changed tomorrow, “there would never be the slightest subordination of the prosecutor to the executive power.”

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