Russia halts the wheat deal. There is a new “expensive spaghetti” risk in Italy

bread and pasta prices They risk price increases of up to 10% due to the failure of the wheat trade due to the war in Ukraine.

“Russia’s halt to the UN agreement on Ukraine’s food exports, the raids that destroyed 60,000 tons of wheat and the up to -60% drop in production due to climate impacts pose a risk that a… tsunami that will go straight into the pockets of families.” She is convinced of that Absolute users The spear the alarm on the risk of an increase in wheat prices. A nightmare for Italian consumers who would risk paying dearly for the increase in raw material prices on international markets.

eat one Plate of spaghettia dish that is one of the favorite dishes of Italians, among others, could cost up to 2.29 euros per kg on average, today it is around 2.09 euros.

“A rise that would occur precisely when pasta prices, after months of steady rises, had begun a downward trend, thus reversing the positive course to the detriment of the consumers who, as we recall, consume 23 kg of pasta per capita and year“.

The Federation of the Third Sector provides data on the possible impact of the increase in wheat products on the household: if a core of 4 people in Italy spends on average 1,320 euros per year on bread and cereals (pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers and various derivatives), a 10% increase in the retail price of wheat products would result in higher spending of +132 euros per year per family for direct costs only.

The price of bread, Instead of, which is currently around 3.9 euros per kg, it would be an average of 4.3 euros per kg.”

Based on the latest official data from Mimit (Ministry of Economy and Made in Italy).) Assoutenti has compiled the ranking of the Italian cities where pasta costs the most.

Pescara recorded the highest price with an average of 2.50 euros per kg, followed by Cagliari, Genoa and Macerata with 2.37 euros per kg. Followed by Venice (2.35 euros), Ravenna and Forlì (2.31 euros), Modena and Pordenone (2.30 euros). The cheapest city in terms of spaghetti, penne, fusilli etc. is Cosenza with an average of 1.47 euros/kg, followed by Benevento (1.48 euros), Palermo (1.49 euros), Catanzaro (1.53 euros) and Syracuse (1.54 euros).

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