Ratification will take place in the plenary session of the House of Representatives during the week of November 20-24

The ratification of the revision of The ESM Treaty will be returned to the Chamber for consideration in the week of November 20th to 24th, after the suspension requested by the majority, which was voted on last July. This was the result of the meeting of the group leaders in Montecitorio. The bill will therefore resume its parliamentary procedure after the four-month suspension.

Ahead of the euro summit on Friday, he wrote in a letter to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel President of the Eurogroup, Easter Donohoe he urged Italy to go faster: “In recent months, we have provided regular information about the ongoing parliamentary process for the ratification of the ESM Treaty in Italy and look forward to its conclusion as soon as possible.” The ratification of the ESM reform “is in the interest of all of us, for the Eurozone as well “As a whole and for individual Member States, including Italy,” emphasizes Donohoe.

“We should not lose sight of the importance of completing the ESM reform and the benefits it would bring to our institutional architecture,” writes the President of the Eurogroup, recalling that “the ratification of the ESM Treaty will create common support for ESM reform.” Banks’ “Single Resolution Fund” as part of the “long-standing agreement” between eurozone countries. “The ratification of this treaty represents a further step towards a more resilient banking union and a fuller and deeper economic and monetary union,” stressed Donohoe. Once the process is completed, the “collective” discussion will be able to deepen the role and future tools of the ESM.”

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