Pink jersey among the European stock exchanges

The German crisis is not scaring the markets. After reconfirming the decline in German GDP, European markets still closed in positive territory. Pink jersey of the last session of the week, Milan closed with a gain of 0.67%. Today the European Commission gave the green light to the changes to the PNRR, which include the RePowerEu chapter. The other stock markets on the Old Continent also showed a positive development: Paris and Frankfurt rose by less than a quarter point, while London developed weaker and was limited to +0.06%. The best stocks on Piazza Affari were CNH Industrial (+2.22%), MPS (+1.78%) and Intesa Sanpaolo (+1.54%). Only a few stocks recorded losses, the worst being Moncler (-0.88%). The spread between Italian BTPs and German Bunds narrowed to 174 basis points, with the 10-year yield at 4.39%. The euro is stable at 1.0934 against the dollar. Abroad, Wall Street is mixed: the Nasdaq is below par and the Dow Jones is rising slightly. The New York Stock Exchange closes early due to Black Friday.

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