Crosetto: “No attack on the judiciary, ready to report to the anti-mafia or copasir”

“I am amazed at the astonishment that my interview today with Corriere della Sera has caused. I have read outraged comments from some judges, such as the president of the ANM Santalucia, who says that they are “not a political opposition”, or the opposition who claims that “the judges have been threatened. Curious and surreal. Firstly, because I have done everything except threaten or delegitimize someone. But then really, after the cases of Tortora, Mannino, Mori and the history of hundreds of people from 1994 to today, it can remain hidden how part (certainly not all, I repeat) of the judiciary has behaved in Italian history? I really don’t think so.” So did the Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in a note: “I only intend to defend the institutions by searching for the truth.”

“I did not take this step superficially, not lightly, with the bitterness of a person who believes in the institutions and has trust in the vast majority of the judiciary and is therefore outraged if what he has been told is true. Among other things, I have also been careful to pass on to others the news that has been communicated to me (by credible people) and that I consider serious, provided that it is confirmed. I have seen that some parliamentarians, such as B. Della Vedova, also invite me to report to Parliament. I will do this with the greatest pleasure if it is possible in the Anti-Mafia or Copasir Commission due to the need for confidentiality and verification of the information I received. I have nothing further to add here, also because “I have many other things to do,” Crosetto concludes in his note.

What happened next was a whirlwind the interview with Corsara in which the minister stated: “The only problem (for our government, editor’s note) is the judicial resistance.” “The portrayal of a judiciary working against them that it could become a political party opposition is misleading “said the President of the National Association of Magistrates, Giuseppe Santalucia, Opening of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the ANM in the Aula Magna of the Cassation. “The judiciary,” continued the president of the ANM, “is not a force of political opposition, but exercises its mandate in the interest of the community, protecting rights and not reacting to the logic of the government,” with “secure foundations that reflect the principles who… are”. Constitution”.

The head of justice in the Democratic Party Secretariat, Deborah Serracchiani, issued a note: “We are astonished by the statements released today by Minister Crosetto. Serious statements that also come a few days before the preliminary hearing in Rome following the compulsory indictment of Undersecretary Delmastro Delle Vedove. If the minister knows something that threatens national security, he should say so. Otherwise, this government must stop issuing veiled threats and complaining about unfounded conspiracies to hide the difficulties of the budget maneuver.”

The senator and leader of Italia Viva, Matteo RenziHe turns against the minister again and asks himself what happened to the judicial reform.

For the Minister of Action Carlo Calenda: “A minister cannot report on conspiracies by judges without denouncing them specifically and in detail.” We are not in the sports bar.

“Crosetto reignites an old controversy dear to the right, that of the judiciary. The war between powers is bad for democracy, I call on Crosetto to avoid it, he is a minister of the Republic. The legal opposition does not exist, the judiciary does its job. Stop the constant resumption of war between powers, which is bad for democracy.” The Secretary of the Italian Left said it: Nicola Fratoiannion the sidelines of the party conference in Perugia.

Minister Crosetto’s “seems to be a warning to the judiciary to adapt to the government’s objectives. A performative, targeted justice system that serves the goals of a single decision-maker and is far removed from its institutional function.” However, we “are a justice system that protects the rights of all citizens and is indifferent to the goals of eventual governing majorities.” The secretary of Democratic justice, Stefano MusolinoSpeech at the meeting of ANM members.

“The minister’s statement is closely related to the previous passages of the interview in which he responds to the government’s ability to respect economic programs, especially with regard to Pnrr and related procurement,” Musolino noted. “In this context, the minister imagines unclear components” of the judiciary, which seeks to conspire against the government.

“In recent months, various government officials have been undermining the serenity of institutional relations and the trust of citizens in the State: the State does not consist only of the executive branch, but is the expression of a series of powers, functions and limits that guarantee constitutional balance . The serious problems of this difficult season cannot be solved by creating a climate of tension – concluded Musolino.

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