National Festival of Civil Economy in Florence, second day. Follow the live broadcast

The protagonists of the festival. Economists, Nobel Prize winners, politicians, writers and teachers

Two Nobel Prize winners will compete in the Salone dei Cinquecento of the Palazzo Vecchio: Joseph Stiglitz, economist and 2001 Nobel Prize winner in economics, and Shirin Ebadi, Iranian lawyer and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner. Kaushik Basu, former chief economic adviser to the Indian government and chief economic reporter of the World Bank from 2012 to 2016.

Among the other guests of the fifth edition: Elsa Maria Fornero, economist and former Minister of Labor and Social Policy; Maria Teresa Bellucci, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy; Dario Nardella, Mayor of the Municipality of Florence; Andrea Bocelli, artist and tenor; Leonardo Becchetti, director of the National Festival of Civil Economy and co-founder of NeXt – New Economy for All; Augusto Dell’Erba, President of Federcasse – Association of Cooperative Credit Banks and Rural Banks; Maurizio Gardini, President of Confcooperative; Alessandra Petrucci, Rector of the University of Florence; Luigino Bruni, Professor of Economics at Lumsa University in Rome and President of the SEC – School of Civil Economy; Elena Beccalli, Professor of Economics and Financial Intermediaries at Catholic University; Eraldo Affinati, writer; Alessandra Smerilli, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Provision of Integral Human Development; Ester Barel, national spokesperson for Friday For Future; Stefano Zamagni, President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences; Vanessa Pallucchi, spokesperson for the Third Sector Forum; Marcella Mallen, President of ASviS – Alliance for Sustainable Development; Ruggero Frecchiami, General Director of Assimoco Spa; Marianella Sclavi, author and scholar of the art of listening and creative conflict management; Gianluca Galletti, UCID President and former Environment Minister; Annalisa Savino, principal of Leonardo Da Vinci High School; Matteo Spanò, President of MUS.e; Eugenia Carfora, director of ITI and hotelier Caivano; Ersilia Vaudo, astrophysics; Aldo Cazzullo, journalist and writer; Mario Antonio Scino, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security; Giovanni Battista Costa, President of NeXt Economy; Isabella Conti, mayor of San Lazzaro di Savena.

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