“It was worth it”

The Congress of Deputies has disputed finally Trust to the leader of the People’s Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóowith 173 yes and 177 no. At this point the floor goes to King Felipe VI. about, who will most likely confide to the socialist leader next week, Pedro Sanchez, a new task of forming a government.

In the first unofficial count, Feijóo received another yes vote, 173, instead of the expected 172, since the vote was from a representative of Junts, Eduard Pujol i Bonell, who initially said “yes” but then corrected himself with “no”. But in fact, in the first case, the Presidency had considered its first declaration valid.

A meeting was then held to determine the official voting results. And in the end it was decided to consider this vote null and void. The final result was 172 yes votes, 177 no votes and one zero vote.

It was worth it“, commented the conservative leader laconically. “Feijóo’s bankruptcy mandate ends today. Now that this show is over, it is time to work harder for the progressive government that Spain deserves,” the Sumar leader immediately declared. Yolanda Diaz.

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