Harbor. Club meeting postponed due to fights, former coach Villas-Boas: “Shameful”

A stadium atmosphere, not for a game, but for the Extraordinary General Assembly of Porto that should have taken place last night at the Dragao Arena and which was instead canceled after midnight and several lockdowns due to the scenes of violence that occurred. Around 5,000 members were present, but ultimately the work could not be continued.

The meeting was originally planned to be held in an auditorium in front of 400 people, but at a later date it was decided to move the event to the arena. And it was just inside the arena that the situation got even worse when a fight broke out between members and the subsequent stampede, forcing the organizers to cancel the event.

“One of the darkest days in the history of Porto. A disgrace, an unscrupulous organization, with no respect for the members of this great club. On November 20th we will try again, Porto must find itself in the principles and values ​​that it has.” “What happened today must not and cannot be repeated,” commented André Villas-Boas, former Dragoes coach and one of the possible candidates for the presidency of the association.

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