“The European Union must intervene against the amnesty, it is blackmail for Spain”

“What is happening in Spain has only happened a few times in European countries such as Romania, Hungary and Poland. It is necessary that the European Union intervenes against this amnestywhich violates the rule of law,” thunders the leader of the People’s Party, Alberto Nuñez Feijòowith a view to the debate and the subsequent vote Cortezplanned for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, with which the Green light for the new Sánchez governmentafter the agreement with Junts in exchange for an amnesty law for independence supporters. In fact, the parliamentary session is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and will end with the vote of confidence in the outgoing Prime Minister and Socialist Secretary Pedro Sanchez.

At a briefing with the foreign press at the party headquarters in Madrid, Nuñez Feijòo did not specify whether the people intended to do so Sanchez report to the EU Court of Justice: “At the moment I am waiting for the debate on this issue that will take place soon in the European Parliament. However – the representative concluded – the text of the amnesty already allows the Commission to ask the government for clarifications.”

Feijòo: “Instability and insecurity, so many people on the streets have not been seen since ETA”

Then, Nunez Feijòo “throws it” into economics: “In recent days the Foreign investments in Spain I am lower yourself: There is a Climate of uncertainty, instability and uncertainty which certainly doesn’t help our economy. The demonstrations of these days – continued Feijòo – have also surprised me. We haven’t seen so many people on the streets since the demonstrations against ETA after the kidnapping and murder of Miguel Angel Blanco. The Blackmail to which the government subjected itselfhas strengthened the conscience of many Spaniards who took to the streets regardless of their ideology: I am sure that on Sunday there were many among us who have never voted for the PP,” adds the secretary of the center-right party and refers to the protests of recent days in Spanish cities against the government agreement signed between the socialists and the Catalan Independence Party.

As for the possible reaction of the European Union, Nuñez said Feijòo, it is inevitable that he will have to intervene: “Sanchez’s serious damage to Spanish democracy represents Serious damage to European democracy. The EU cannot allow this. Here in Spain, coexistence is being damaged, we are dealing with it reactionary revolution against which we will do everything. To reporters who asked about the risk that tensions could escalate into serious incidents, as happened at the PSOE headquarters in Nuñez Feijòo reiterated that the PP “is not participating.” no violent demonstrations“.

In this context, I will speak tomorrow at the highly contentious debate in Parliament The police have decided to deploy more than 1,600 officersto ensure security in the congress area in the center of the capital. Finally, on relations with the “missing ally” Vox, says the secretary of Spain’s main liberal party, which came first in the July 23 elections without an independent majority: “Everyone asks me about Vox, but I remember that the Basque radical party Bildu is an ally of the PSOE. “ a party that does not recognize the constitution. We still don’t know what the PSOE promised him in return for the votes.”

The Catalans: Independence is still a necessity. And the government says she is available for an escort to Puidgemont

“Independence remains a necessity” in Catalonia. The Catalan independence leader confirms this Oriol JunquerasChairman of the party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), supports the legislative pact with the PSOE. The outgoing Prime Minister has stated several times that the situation in Catalonia has changed since he took office and is no longer the same as it was in 2017. When asked to comment on these statements, Junqueras wanted to emphasize that the situation in Catalonia has changed – Independence Movement” continues to govern the Catalan Generalitat and “continues to have a majority in the Catalan Parliament”.

He is now the Minister of the Presidency ad interim, Felix Bolañosdeclared that the government, particularly the Interior Ministry, would comply with the request of the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont have a permanent stock the police in Belgium. A question that had never before been accepted by the Spanish executive.

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