Gang rape in Palermo, the victim was slapped on the street by her ex-boyfriend after the report and the first arrests

There Palermo Public Prosecutor’s Office she askedconclusive incident for that Gang rape occurred on July 7th last year Foro Italico, in the Sicilian capital. The victim of sexual violence therefore becomes upset in the presence of those involved. This way you don’t have to repeat yourself during the event Proceedingsthe accusation against the seven young people that I’m there Jail under the accusation of sexual violence by gangs. The hearing will be conducted with due care Protective measures without any contact between the victim and the suspects.

Meanwhile, something else disturbing emerges in the story Consequence. As reported by PalermoTodaythe 19 year old victim would have been slapped on the street, a Old villagefrom his ex boyfriend. The event would have taken place on8th August most recently, that is, a few days after I first arrests This happened as a result of the young woman’s complaint and less than a week before the second temporary custody order that led to the arrest of the other members of the group accused of rape. To save the nineteen year old who was in a… protected communitythe police intervened.

This incident is also being investigated by the judges of the Palermo Public Prosecutor’s Office and there is currently a possibility that this attack could be considered a type of attack punishment for the 19-year-old’s decision to come forward. It is suspected that the ex-boyfriend may have known the young people involved: the first arrests took place on July 28th, was not made available to the public for investigative reasons. One of the seven boys examined spoke of “revenge”, Samuele La Grassain a conversation intercepted from the investigators: “I swear to you, tonight I will stroll down the entire Via Libertà, carry the complaint in my pocket and tell her: ‘Look what you did to me’ and then.” I headbutt her nose“I headbutt her nose,” he said. The victim’s ex-boyfriend is not part of the group, but prosecutors are also working to clarify the background to this episode.

All suspects are there at the moment Jail. Even the youngest of them (still). minor on the day of the rape) was initially released from custody by the investigating judge arrested again a few days later also because he had posted videos that showed a complete lack of any remorse. He is the only one who is in a juvenile prison; the other six are housed in adult facilities.

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