Confcommercio, 120 million fewer visitors than 2019

The current year ends with disastrous data for the Italian tourism with at least 60 million arrivals and 120 million attendances that will be missing compared to 2019 and 13 million fewer trips abroad by Italians; only for the holidays between Christmas, New Year and Epiphany. hit the alarm confcommerce with the President Charles Sangalli He is asking the government for “more support, more layoffs and proper tax moratoriums. An Italian economy is unthinkable without the fundamental driving force of tourism,” he says.

The payment

Second the survey conducted by Confcommercio in collaboration with SWG and on data from Istat and Bankitalia, only for the holidays between Christmas, New Year and Epiphany, compared to the 25 million departures planned by the Italians just a few months ago, 5 million have already been deleted and 5.3 million have been modified Shorten vacation days or choose a closer travel destination. In addition, 7 million trips are still pending. Confcommercio also underlines “the exponential growth in cancellations in the catering sector in recent days and the dramatic situation in the entertainment sector with business closures”.

In this situation, a statement said: “It is clear that the government must support these components of the tourism chain, in particular by adopting measures on social safety nets at no additional cost to businesses and access to credit, but also fiscal intervention.” and non-refundable contributions based on losses incurred”.

Not only the number of tourists, but also the chosen type of travel pays the price for the escalation of epidemic numbers and restrictions. In this situation, the possible recovery of tourism is postponed until summer 2022, more than 6 months and almost 30 since the beginning of the crisis.

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