“10 arrests and 220 rejections”

19,000 people, 10,000 vehicles and 300 foreign citizens were checked for the crime of facilitating illegal immigration and around ten people were arrested. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi made this assessment in a press conference at the end of the trilateral meeting with his counterparts from Croatia and Slovenia. “Another 35 people were reported for various crimes,” the minister said ten days later Restoration of border controls in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

“In the ten days of border controls there were 220 rejections, which proves its effectiveness,” explained Piantedosi. “These are the first signs that a chain of deterrence is being continued with colleagues.” The problem is not just to continue the controls, it is not just to carry out controls at secondary crossings, but to jointly create a deterrent system so that it does not is just a problem that is solved in border management relations between two countries.”

A plan with three guidelines

Mixed brigades from the police forces of Italy, Slovenia and Croatia will be formed with the aim of carrying out controls from the Croatian border. There are three guidelines for cooperation in the area of ​​security and immigration. These are, as Piantedosi explained, gods mixed patrols between Italians, Slovenes and Croats; L’Support of mixed patrols with the operational structures of the three countries by the police chiefs and the establishment of the trilateralas he just concluded: “un stable module for shared use to use”.

“The mixed brigades consolidate the experience of mixed patrols on the internal borders,” and the idea is “to relaunch them and make them stable, with methods that establish our respective operational structures and with methods that adapt accordingly over time the development of the phenomena change.” .

“The aim – added the minister – is not only to protect the national territories, but also to ensure that the territories of the three countries and Europe are preserved: the aim is to introduce controls starting from the external border of Croatia.”

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