“With your means alone you would have starved to death long ago. In a serious country it would be difficult to clean the baskets in the car grill”: haters unleashed against Chiara Nasti. She answers like this

Klara Nasti under a rain of criticism. Once again, the haters have turned against the Neapolitan influencer, who shares her life of luxury, bags and designer clothes on Instagram. The 25-year-old, partner of Mattia Zaccagni (Footballer for Lazio) and mother of little Thiago, she has had to defend herself against accusations of flaunting her life of luxury on social media. In particular, in a comment on a post published by Nasti on her online profiles, a user stressed that if she had to support herself, she would not even have the money to eat: “You would have starved to death long ago. In a reputable country, you would have a hard time cleaning the baskets in the auto grill“, he wrote. An opinion that seems to be widespread among the influencer’s haters, according to which, as a well-groomed woman, she would make a living by exploiting Zaccagni’s salary as a footballer.

Now accustomed to the frequent criticism she has received over the years, Chiara Nasti has kindly replied to the user, describing him and all those who share her thoughts as “frustrated”: “You would, you would, I’m here for now – she began -. In the next life you may be lucky enough to be reborn as me and I’ll be the one to make that frustrated comment under your photo. Mo’ accepts the reality”. He then posted a story to Instagram, adding, “People don’t understand this The more he complains, the worse he falls. But stop and accept your life and that of others. What a beautiful thing life is, what a waste to spend it being bad.”

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