“To fight tax evasion, check accounts”

The fight against tax evasion is carried out by cross-checking current accounts. It is understood that “the vast majority of taxpayers are honest and always pay everything down to the last penny, even if they don’t care about gold.” This was stated by the Director of the Tax Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffini, in an interview with Corriere della Sera .

“If we’re going to guarantee fundamental rights like health, education and public order, resources are needed.” And that’s what the agency is doing.” Ruffini told the Milan newspaper: “The current account archive is a fundamental resource because it allows you to do that.” interceptFor example, Subjects with fictitious residence abroad but who have current accounts in our country”.

allThe aim is to recover 2.8 billion from tax evasionThis has been achieved “by restoring operational capacity thanks to an ambitious plan to recruit 11,000 civil servants”.

Over 3 million compliance letters

“There reducing the tax gap – he continues – it is a destination determined by many factors, not only fiscal ones. As for the objectives that the pnrr has entrusted to the agency, we still have some sending over 3 million compliance letters by the end of 2024, for a collection of 2.77 billion”. Target, which Ruffini says will be fully met in October, “more than a year ahead, having already achieved 99% of revenue”

The director specified that “the first explorations based on pseudonymised data, i.e They had large movements in their checking accounts but didn’t file their tax returns.‘.

“We apply the law”

Ruffini comments on the controversy surrounding the “Pizzo di Stato”: “The agency is limited to the application of the law.” Over 80% of all tax evasions involve those who fail to file their taxes or file them unfaithfully; less than 20% of so-called payment evasion, i.e. those who make the declaration but then fail to pay their debts.”

But it’s also true”It is still too early to make predictions“On the results of the new tool, “also because we only completed the activities required by the data protection guarantor in May to ensure the correct use of personal data”.

“We have raised the bar. Our work is also and above all valued by the increase in telematic services, to expedite repayments, to litigation“.

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