“The Mes will improve states’ access to the market”

Italy would benefit from the green light for the Mes in with regard to the international reputation and with regard to the assessment by rating agencies. This emerges from the technical opinion of the MEF to the Commission for Foreign Affairs. “Regarding the indirect impact on public finances resulting solely from the ratification of the agreement, based on the feedback from analysts and market participants, it is possible that the reform of the ESM, to the extent that it is perceived as such, will show signs of strengthening the ESM European cohesion, lead to a better assessment of the acceding member states’ creditworthiness, with a stronger effect for those with higher debts like Italy,” reads the document containing the technical opinion of the economy ministry. The finances were presented to the House of Representatives this morning for ratification of the measurement contract submitted.

Today’s session was supposed to vote on the basic text of the two bills proposed by the Democratic Party and the Third Pole to ratify the Mes. The President of the Commission, Giulio Tremonti (FdI), distributed the MEF text to the MEPs, after which – according to parliamentary sources – a discussion took place between the majority and the opposition on how to proceed.

In the end, the majority line went for a deepening and Meeting adjourned to tomorrowafter the Chamber of Deputies voted to trust the INPS Legislative Decree.

The commission has to adopt the basic text, then the opinions of the other commissions will be sought and the vote should continue to mandate the rapporteur to present the basic text to the plenary.

There General Debate in the House of Representativesaccording to the work plan, is confirmed for Friday June 30th.

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