The Cospito case before the Consulta, the lawyer: “The penalty is unconstitutional”, the lawyer: “extenuating circumstance would lead to the recognition of a subordinate unit for the mafia”

The case of Alfred Cospitothe anarchist finally convicted for kicking an Ansaldo Nuclear manager and awaiting the definition of the verdict for the attack on the Carabinieri school of Fossano, for which he is accused of the crime of political massacre scrutinized by the judges constitutional court. The 55-year-old, who has started a prolonged hunger strike that also required hospitalization, is calling for the harsh detention to be abolished. A protest against the decisions taken against him by the judges, who upheld the prison regime against him until cassation, but also against the harsh prison sentences imposed on the other prisoners. Today one of the last chapters (an appeal to the ECtHR was also submitted, editor’s note). According to the anarchist’s defense: “The penalty imposed has been declared unconstitutional because it does not allow for a comparison of the penalty with the criminal offence.” ”

According to the Attorney General Paola Zerman who, with her colleague Ettore Figliolia, asked the Constitutional Court to declare inadmissible and unfounded the question raised by the Court of Appeal of Turin, which must redefine the penalty to be imposed on the anarchist for the attack on the Scuola dei Carabinieri in Fossano. Indeed a decision in favor of the anarchist “it can pave the way for other crimes to be recognized as minor, such as B. a mafia association“. Judges must decide on constitutionalityArticle 69 of the Criminal Code, which prevented reduced sentences in cases of serious recidivism like that of Cospito for the crime of political massacre. A decision on which will depend the legal fate of the anarchist he risks seeing vacate the 20-year prison sentence who is already serving his sentence for attacking the Carabinieri school in Fossano”.

“Tomorrow I will do an interview with him, let’s hope we already have the Consulta’s decision so that we can be guided by it to understand what to do now,” said lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini when he addressed the Constitutional Court on his client’s terms, “he has not eaten pasta, fish or meat for 180 days. We never thought he would have arrived alive on April 18th. But he’s lost the ability to walk, can’t move a foot and has lost 100 pounds.”

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