The clash between Prandini and Della Vedova in front of Montecitorio during the Coldiretti garrison

“I too will report Benedetto Della Vedova. He has come to provoke and it is he who must apologize to the workers.” The President of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini This is how he responds to reporters who ask him for comment on the decision Benedetto Della Vedova and from Riccardo Magior Senator and Deputy of Più Europa, to denounce him for the attack he suffered in front of the Palazzo Chigi.

“He came up to the workers who have been here since this morning with the sign “Cultivating Ignorance,” and I had to respond because I represent these workers,” Prandini said. “He is the one who came to provoke,” repeats the president of Coldiretti, who has just finished his hearing with the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida and the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the chamber Thomas Foti who had come to the representatives of Coldiretti under the colonnade of the Sordi Gallery to convince them of the government’s intention to say no to cultured meat. After receiving a handshake from the two, he explained to journalists that he didn’t actually want to grab Della Vedova by the neck, but rather just “tear the sign out of his hands.”

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