Open study of prices for routes to the islands

Antitrust law he began an investigation of the facts on the use of algorithms Price in transportation Airplane passengers Connecting routes between the peninsula and Sicily and Sardinia, characterized by special mobility needs. He makes it known the competition and market surveillance authority. “The basis of this decision – we read in a note – is the fact that, in connection with the recovery of demand for passenger air transport from 2022, it has been noted by institutional and non-institutional bodies, high price levels in times of peak demand“.

“Airlines have been introducing price definition systems for years, explains the Cartel Office, which, thanks to the use of algorithms and data processing software, differentiate and adjust flight costs over time. In recent years, the level of automation and sophistication of these systems has increased significantly, both due to the exponential growth of the information that can be processed and due to technological development.The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques could enable the use of self-learning algorithms capable of developing new pricing criteria. The investigative activity will cover what is possible negative effects on the functioning of the market and the conditions of offer to consumers in relation to the use of pricing algorithms in the reference context. The investigation will also look into that Communication methods “to make known to the public the prices of airline tickets and their various components”.

Taking into account the new legal provisions pursuant to Article 1 of the Property Law Decree 104/2023 (transformed with amendments by Law 136/2023) – we read – “The Authority may, following the investigation of the facts To impose behavioral or structural measures on companies to eliminate distortions of competition, or to recommend appropriate legal/regulatory changes to improve the functioning of markets. In addition, if companies submit commitments during the process, the authority can assess their ability to address the critical issues identified and make them binding.”

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