The art cities of Veneto are ready to welcome tourists and lovers

Those who have not chosen exotic travel destinations can use this mid August to admire art city. At the weekend and then Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th Vicenza With the exception of the galleries in Palazzo Thiene, practically all museums are open. Among the rediscovered gems are the Church Museum of Santa Corona with the baptism of Giovanni Bellini and an altar from 1460 that is unique in the world.

Exceptional opening also for the Teatro Olimpico, for the Civic Museum and the Art Gallery of the Palazzo Chiericati, the Naturalistic Archeology Museum. And from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that of the Risorgimento and the Resistance in Monte Berico.

We interviewed Ilaria Fantin, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Vicenza; Gianni Micheletti, Volunteer

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