Tensions remain high between officials and the government over the CSM’s request for protection of the Apostolic Judge

“We need judicial reform because Judges who engage in politics and make political judgments and give free rein to illegal immigrants are not a problem for Salvini or the government, but they are a problem for Italy”said the transport minister, Matteo Salvini, spoke at the inauguration of the first Italian hydrogen train in Milan Rho. “On Friday I will be in court again in Palermo for blocking the disembarkation of foreign ships that still finance private organizations to bring immigrants to Italy,” he added.

Also difficult Fdi organizational leader Giovanni Donzelliinterviewed by La Stampa, returns to accuse the left and the judges: “The judges, even the most respected ones, were not elected by the people, they are not called upon to make political decisions.” For Donzelli, “the “The left always lost elections and then looked for shortcuts through the courts.”

“It is unacceptable that the Court of Catania was a political decision against the government, that there are judges who work to undo the laws depending on who is leading the country,” says the President of the Fi Group in the Senate, Licia Ronzulliduring an event at the Cuiprodest study center.

He replies the leader of the action Carlo Calenda: “I would suggest that Meloni appeals and not stir up a political controversy. It is very important that she exercises her right to request a review of the sentence, but is very careful not to create a lasting conflict with the judiciary.”

Already yesterday the Democratic Party, through the secretary Elly SchleinHe had stigmatized the words of the government representatives against the judge’s decision: “Giorgia Meloni stop inflaming the institutional conflict that is damaging the country.” Stop looking for an enemy every day to hide his responsibility.

The secretary of Più Europa, Riccardo Magi, spoke yesterday of an “unbearable attack” and of “an invasion of the field that represents a point of no return towards the Hungarian drift that Italy is experiencing”. Today Magi highlighted the lack of official government celebrations Day of remembrance and reception, 10 years after the Lampedusa shipwreck that claimed the lives of 368 migrants.

A lawsuit has been filed with the CSM to protect the judge of Catania

The request to initiate proceedings for the protection of Judge Iolanda Apostolico of Catania was officially presented this morning to the Presidential Committee of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary. The motion was signed by thirteen professional members of Area, Unicost, Md and two independents. The Independent Judiciary Group did not join.

The direct reference to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s words on this case has disappeared from the text for which signatures were collected yesterday. However, these are “statements from members of the parliamentary majority and the executive which, by their nature and content, represent authentic attacks on the autonomy of the judiciary”. An amendment aimed at making it easier for Independent Judiciary council members to join the initiative, but they ultimately decided not to sign anyway.

“The accusation of judges, with reference to the content of a judicial provision, that they are ‘enemies of the security of the nation, an obstacle to the defense of public order and that they act against the provisions of a democratically elected government’ harkens back to “The function of the The city councilors denounce the jurisdiction itself in a constitutional state. In addition, the statements made by government and majority representatives “resulted in a serious professional delegitimization of the judge who wrote the order and exposed him to inappropriate media attacks regarding his personal sphere.” Hence the request to initiate protective proceedings “with the utmost urgency”.

National Association of Magistrates: “Statements by government officials undermine the independence and autonomy of the judiciary”

“Judicial control over measures that restrict personal freedom is a constitutionally guaranteed principle and an indispensable asset of a constitutional state.” “The statements made by representatives of the government and the parliamentary majority regarding the non-validation of detention measures bring a worrying view on the powers of review of legality that are exclusively available to the judiciary and undermine its independence and autonomy.” So clean a statement from the Board of Directors of the National Magistrates Association.

“The exercise of jurisdiction is the main task of the judiciary and is indifferent to any logic of conflict between institutions.” The criticism of judicial measures – emphasizes the ANM – must be able to move within the framework of mutual respect between the institutions and their respective prerogatives, while their possible criticism can only be done through the legal remedies provided by the legal system.”

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