rising energy prices, possible increases in electricity and gas prices

“If these prices remain” sui “It is certain that there will be an increase in the next bill of electricity. From October 1st there will be a jump between 7 and 10% of electricity tariffs for the last quarter, the first somewhat sharp increase from 2023”.

He told Ansa about it Davide Tabarelli, President of Nomisma energia, comments The increase in the price of electricity on the exchange with a raise by 30% to 138 euros in the last week.

Tabarelli explained that there had been “an increase in”. fuel prices” in the last Weeks with a return of more than 30 euros per megawatt hour e “Automatically increase the electricity prices” and “half”. Italian electricity production is done with gas”, ha recalled the President of Nomisma.

Tabarelli added that a In early September, the Arera will set the August price gas and you will only have a slight rise below 2%. However, “the instructions for the next winter They give international awards 40% higher compared to the current and if the Gasoline prices would be even higher this winter 20% compared to the current ones,” Tabarelli warned.

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