Mes, tensions in government. The CDM was postponed, the majority decided not to vote in the commission

Tensions in the centre-right party and in the government, previously high, reached a new high yesterday, mainly on this issue MonthThe European Stability Mechanism – that Italy has not ratified, which is unique among the European countries concerned.

To the point that the In the Foreign Affairs Commission, the majority does not vote in the chamber, with a kind of unprecedented Aventine government that leaves the field to the oppositions: the green light for the ratification of the Mes is accepted with the votes of the Democratic Party and the Third Pole, while the M5 and the Greens-Left Alliance abstain. The Council of Ministers scheduled for yesterday has been postponed to Tuesday due to “personal commitments made” by Giorgia Meloni.

talking is Matthew Salvini: “All the centre-right parties, from Meloni to me, have always believed that the MES is not a useful tool for the country at the moment. Parliament decides on the MES: if the discussion arrives in Parliament, there will be a vote.” “.

The PD secretary’s attack was harsh Elly Schlein: “The majority parties are so divided that they didn’t show up to vote on the Mes, you’ve never seen that before. Yesterday the majority on the Labor decree was lost in the Senate. Practically a ghost government.”

The provision will now be examined in the light of the opinions of the other commissions before it reaches the Chamber on June 30th. An appointment – ​​with Meloni in Brussels for the European Council – that promises to be a dangerous move for the centre-right party. From Brussels, the Italian debate is being “carefully” monitored, European sources say, and it is no secret that agreement to ratify the Mes is expected at the end. Part of the majority now seems to be resigned despite months of resistance, another part is giving in and could cause surprises in the vote.

In order to increase the tension as well, that is the case Daniela Santanché: The Minister of Tourism was the focus of an episode of reports which, among other things, denounces unpaid suppliers and employees who are still waiting for severance pay after being laid off. The opposition is urging Meloni to report to Parliament and call for the minister’s resignation, but Meloni denies the allegations.

In this context, the news of Postponement of the Council of Ministers is another warning sign. He should have decided the DDL framework for post-disaster reconstruction, with the never-untied knot of appointing the Flood officer in Emilia-Romagnabut also on the new ones traffic safety measures Salvini himself had announced this with great emphasis the day before.

“The Prime Minister was busy elsewhere and asked us for the courtesy of being present in a few days, that’s all, no political problems,” assures Minister for Maritime Policy Nello Musumeci.

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