Mauro Corona: “Bianca Berlinguer away from Rai? I with her, like Sancho Panza with his Don Quixote”

A possible farewell from Bianca Berlinguer to Rai? Comment it Mauro Corona for the Corriere della Sera: “Scorched earth reigns around them for a long time. And it has to be said that she did her best. If I were you, I would take the step immediately. I emphasize that I am a climber, I climb, I know how to take risks and I know the challenge of the unknown. “Sparring partner” of the presenter and journalist, Corona’s live interventions are one of the strengths of White paper, if only from the point of view of the share. And the author/climber assures that if Berlinguer left Rai for Mediaset, he would go with her: “Of course I have very little aesthetics, but I am ethical and faithful. Of course, I will accompany her wherever she goes, and it’s not about the money. A liter of wine is enough for me. It’s a question of freedom. If a network starts imposing stakes, laces, or vetoes on some guests, I don’t care. If I can say what I think, I’m in. And again: “Like Sancho Panza with his Don Quixote, I told him so.” What will happen?

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