Luis Rubiales’ mother barricaded herself in the church and went on a hunger strike

It’s now a story that doesn’t just affect football. With a mixture of youthful itch, emotional outbursts and genuine feelings, power struggles, camaraderie and feuds, they seem to find the right ingredients for the plot of a South American soap opera with a Spanish background.

There complain relating to kiss on the mouthgiven in favor of the camera, after the finale of Women’s Soccer World Cup in Sydney (won by the Madrid national team), between Louis Rubiales – President of the Royal Iberian Football Federation, later suspended by FIFA – e Jennifer Hermosothe player who denounced the lack of approval in this torrent is enriched with a new colorful chapter: Angeles Bejar, Rubiales’ mother, she has barricaded herself this morning at the Church of Divina Pastora in Motril, Andalucia, and announced that it had started hunger strike, which will last until “a solution is found to the inhumane and bloody hunt they are waging against my son: something he does not deserve,” the woman explained. The newspaper reports about it As.


The interior of the Church of Divina Pastora in Motril, Andalusia

Meanwhile, the Spanish Football Federation is where Rubiales came from suspended for 90 days Following FIFA’s decision, he asked UEFA to intervene in his defense to respond to the actions of the Madrid government (which denounced him for an “infringement”). Andreu Camps, general secretary of the Spanish Football Federation, has openly sided with Rubiales, who is also one of the vice-presidents of UEFA’s Executive Committee.

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