Kiev against the law on civil partnerships. “The consensus is also spreading because Putin hates gays”

“The law of civil associations (or civil partnership) that we aspire to is a Partial and realistic first stepwhich doesn’t mean revisions constitutionally or whatever, but which represents a turning point in the history of civil rights Ukraine. Perhaps it resembles the first French law partnerships, and we’ve provided it for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples who don’t want to resort to it Marriage“. Inna Sovsunthe Ukrainian parliamentarian who presented the draft law a few weeks ago is the central political guest of the Kiev Queer Film Festival. He talks and moves quickly, he even finds time for it

“So far the law has been signed 17 deputies, but the consensus is growing. I know some MPs who clearly state that they don’t like them “particularly”. gay people but that that is why they will vote for this law Putin hates me Cheerful. And of course it’s not just about that Politician. Many citizens think so. Nobody wants us to be like this Russia. The new laws homophobic or transphobic In Russia They cause many to rethink Prejudices here with us. And hence the argument: “If you’re homophobic, you are like that.” Putin‘ has become a very hot topic. I always tell myself, ‘take it until you can’, take what it takes to get there the goal. If that’s the argument for realizing LGBT rights, then so be it.” But it’s not the only one, is it? “The argument that gave us that initial momentum and much power is that of Military Cheerfulon the other hand LGBT because there are also registered lesbians and transsexuals. And in Job which has also been broadcast by many television channels – it ends with “Supporting the right to civil partnerships means defending those who defend us” – it starts from a very concrete and touching question: What is happening in therapies intensive and for them vital decisions about wounded soldiers who have same-sex partners? Because of these two issues, the Military is that from contraposition To putin, According to two authoritative surveys, the consent to civil partnerships well over 50%”.

There Law Could it be approved quickly? “It is a law of parliamentary initiative. The Government It certainly does not resist, among other things, it cannot be rejected because Relationships With the’European Union. In short, they are more for it than against it, but neither do they pressures to vote on it. We are making good progress in the sense that we are making the text accessible to everyone commissions It is possible to get more votes and the law is passed in four committees. But we don’t have the power to do that put it to the vote in the plenary session. However, there is resistance from churches, if at all. It is important for these reasons active support of the LGBT communityof public opinion and also of yours from European countries”. Olena Schevchenkohistorical leader of the group insightsvery active in the voluntary work for the LGBT community, which is also present at the festival, adds by the way. “We live as one Condition very different from when I started mine activism 15 years ago. The breakthrough started with Maidan in 2014. We are heading towards i Human rights, civil rights, Europe. It is imperative that we enforce this civil partnership law. We will do the possible and the impossible. The opinion is there, advertising too. The final step must be taken by the government.”

(Picture from a picture agency)

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