John Elkann is leaving the presidency of Giovanni Agnelli, Exor’s parent company

John Elkann has left the presidency of Giovanni Agnelli Bvthe safe that controls 52% of the Exor holdings.

The novelty highlighted by Milan Financeemerges from the papers that formalize thisacquisition 15% from Philips. As a successor a person outside the family: Jeroen PrellerDutch lawyer, partner in the NautaDutilh law firm.

According to the findings, the decision of Elkann, who has already left the presidency of Exor and continues to hold the position of executive director, is due to the Willingness to focus on operational roles.

Six members of the three branches of the Agnelli family remain in the safe. The board consists of Andrea Agnelli, Nicolò Camerana, Benedetto Della Chiesa, Luca Ferrero Ventimiglia, Filippo Scognamiglio and Alexandre Von Furstenberg. Besides Elkann, Alessandro Nasi and Tiberto Brandolini D’Adda are also eliminated.

Giovanni Agnelli is a private company incorporated under Dutch law, bringing together the descendants of Fiat founder Giovanni Agnelli, and was established with the aim of maintaining the unity and continuity of the investment in Exor.

The largest shareholder with around 38% is the company Dicembre, whose chairman is still John Elkann. In addition, there are the heirs of Maria Sole (12.32%) and Umberto (11.85%) and the other family members. Every year Exor pays out 100 million euros in dividends and 52% goes to Giovanni Agnelli.

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