Jobs in the USA continue to grow, Wall Street is rising

In the United States, the job market doesn't stop. 216,000 new jobs were created in December, an increase of over 40,000 units compared to the previous month. Hourly wages also rose above expectations, with an annual increase of 4.1%. Good news, but it could convince the Fed that there is no urgency to cut rates. The American stock markets reacted differently: +0.60% for the S&P500 and Nasdaq indices, +0.38% for the Dow Jones.

In Europe, data on inflation also shows that it has begun to rise again in the Eurozone: the annual change was +2.9% in December, a tenth less than expected, while in Italy it fell by a tenth and stood at +0.6%.

In Milan +0.31% for the Ftse Mib index, +0.11% for Frankfurt, -0.30% for London and -0.20% for Paris.

In Piazza Affari, the banks are particularly highlighted: the four biggest increases are Banco Bpm (+2.25%), Bper Banca (+2.08%), Banca Mps (+1.81%) and Intesa Sanpaolo (+1 .78%). Biggest drop for Recordati, -1.50%.

Today in Europe, spirits producers in particular are declining, notably Remy Cointreau (-11%) and Pernod Ricard (-3.8%), after the Chinese authorities opened an investigation against European companies for dumping in the brandy sector. Italy's Campari, -0.88% is indirectly suffering from the impact of the industry downturn.

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