“Italy Pavilion Trump for Tourism”

The minister visited the Italian pavilion and was very impressed 3D reconstruction of Michelangelo’s David. Speaking at the international forum “New Frontiers of Sustainable Tourism”, Garavaglia took the floor and recalled the challenges that the pandemic has brought to the sector, “the most urgent ones are of course those of”. Restore traveler confidence to boost tourism“, he said. “No one denies the presence of the virus, but with effective safety protocols, there is no need for tourists to forgo their experiences,” the minister stressed.

Green business models and environmentally conscious action are increasingly part of the tourist offer and Italy has great potential to cater to these trends,” said the minister: The Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) is indeed working to “transform the tourism sector by making it more sustainable“and make the Italian tourist offer, starting from the infrastructure and the hotel sector, “ready to face the changes”. It is “a transition that must start now and will have long-term effects,” Garavaglia added.

A digital and sustainable future of tourism is indeed “a priority on the national agenda”: ​​it will actually be enriched with “digital experiences”the tourist attractions that our country already offers, from natural beauties to cultural heritage, from food and wine to sports facilities.

The Italian Pavilionshows the best of Italy. A necessary thing as tourism is increasingly becoming a competitive sector with new strong competitors. The quality that we show here is trumps“To promote tourism in Italy. “The challenge is won with quality.” And here at the Expo, Italy is showing its best“, he added.


The 3D reproduction of Michelangelo’s David in the Italy Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020

One in three hotels in Rome have been closed due to the extension of the Covid fund and refreshments

Due to the consequences of the pandemic and the restrictions in the tourism sector, “in Rome, out of 1,200 hotels, 400 are currently closed and last week two were permanently closed, laying off 200 people”. This was stated by Tourism Minister Massimo Garavaglia in a press conference in the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. To slow down these phenomena, the government intends to intervene with new measures: “the expansion of the Covid relief fund for the sectors most affected” and “refreshments that will allow recovering part of the non-existent turnover and partially covering the costs. “to avoid failure”.

“I’ll give two examples out of a thousand: tour operators and travel agencies are basically not allowed to work by law because if the corridors are blocked you can’t work” and “the same applies to hotels in big cities where there is no long-distance tourism”. , clarified Minister Garavaglia.

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