“Good change to the statutes. Young people at the center”

The National Council of Forza Italia approved the changes to the statute that were on the agenda on the third and last of the three days dedicated to the party in Paestum.

This includes the introduction of the number of four deputy secretaries, of which the one with the most votes will be the deputy assistant secretary. The deputy secretaries will be elected at the Congress next February, as will the secretary. Sanctions were also adopted for members who hold positions within the association and in institutions that do not make an economic contribution to the party. Finally, the change to the Forza Italia symbol was approved, with the name of founder Silvio Berlusconi being permanently inserted.

“We are following the path that Berlusconi showed us. It takes time, but I am convinced of that.” in a year or two we will reach 20% just because we have good ideas,” said the national secretary of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani, conclusion of the party event in Paestum. “We know what we want and the citizen wants to be guided by those who protect him, by those who represent certainty,” Tajani added.

“Newspapers should deal with their dissolution at the kiosk, not here”

“Certain newspapers should be more concerned about their dissolution on newsstands than about Forza Italia, because there are more militants here than the number of copies the newspaper sells,” the secretary said. “Those who have no ideas dissolve, those who have no suggestions dissolve, those who do not believe, those who have no will dissolve. In these three days we have managed to demonstrate before our militants, our ruling class and the Italian political world and European that there is hope here for the future of our country. The content is there, there are no titles or slogans.”

“Slogans without ideas are useless,” Tajani added, “because the slogan lasts one day and the next day it is finished, it is like a piece of paper that flies and burns. If we say that we have a vision of Italy, we are not being fair.” We are thinking about the next election date and the next CDM, but let’s think about how we can improve Italy, how we can build a different Italy, and it takes months, years to do this. But only a force conceived by a great statesman like Berlusconi can create this vision. I am convinced that the more time passes and the more we grow, the more they will realize that there are serious and responsible people here who don’t say nonsense words and don’t make promises they can’t keep. This is what makes Italians repulsed by the old way of doing politics.”

“The AfD is an evil party, I feel disgust. You can’t say that disabled children can’t be with others.

“When I am outraged because an evil party like the AfD says that children with disabilities should not be with other children, then I feel ashamed, I feel disgust because every person has the same dignity as the other,” said Tajani with a view to the German right-wing extremist party Alternative for Germany.

“We will not allow anything but racial politics in Italy or in Europe. The best are not those who have more muscles than others, but those who give more to others, even if they have less muscle and less money,” he added.

After his speech, Tajani was accompanied on stage by the Forza Italia General Staff. And everyone sings the anthem “Azzurra Libertà” (“Give me your hand, come… and sing with me…”), which was used by the young Azzurri.

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