Every second Italian is willing to recycle the gifts received at Christmas

Italians describe themselves as “serial recyclers” of Christmas presents. The trend has solidified in recent years. Even every second Italian he is ready to reuse the gifts received. This is confirmed a study by Confcooperative.

The drivers are consumption dynamics and the propensity to spend Look for savings determined by the uncertainty of tomorrow. A real “counter-issue” is therefore announced a saving of 3.4 billion euros: 200 million more than last year And 100 more than Christmas before the pandemic. This trend affects 28.5 million people (that is, one in two Italians) and is confirmed a trend that has been steadily growing in recent years.

Among the most important practices, in our opinion, 6 out of 10 respondents will recycle the gifts received this holiday season or save them throughout the year to use when the time comes. There are even those who earn from the sale of the gift received through sales on online platforms and social networks. We are talking about 2 out of 10 recyclers (60% men, 40% women), the others exchange the gifts received on the Internet to purchase them in stores, to convert them into vouchers to spend or to take other items to give away (51% women, 49 % Men).

Among the recycled gifts we find food first for 42% (wines, sparkling wines, sausages, cheese, prosecco, grappa, bitters, panettone, pandoro, chocolate, nougats, honey, jam, regional desserts); you follow at 29% Scarves, gloves, hats, socks Personal products such as cosmetics and creams; for 17% Books, gift cards and leather goods12% toys.

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