Every fourth Italian travels. After two years, local tourism is recovering

After two years, Easter is again an opportunity for travel and socializing and almost one in four Italians will use the next few days to travel.

The data comes from the Coldiretti/Ixe analysis, which sees a first test case for the long-awaited recovery of the tourism sector over the Easter weekend: “In the face of international tensions related to the war in Ukraine, the favorite destination remains.” The Belpaese will be from 95 % of Italians, one in three of whom will even stay in their region of residence. Only a minority will travel to Europe, while very few will travel further between America, Asia and Oceania.”

Tourism nearby, but still tourism: “The long spring weekends and the good weather, as well as the economic difficulties associated with the high prices, also lead to excursions and picnics, and a million Italians do not want to give up being outdoors without too much to burden.” on the family budget. The beginning of spring – according to Coldiretti – is also the best time to experience the awakening of nature in terms of plants, flowers and migratory birds, but also agricultural activities with the preparation of the soil, sowing and harvesting the first fruits.”

Signs of recovery are also coming from the foreign tourism side, a real breath of fresh air for reception facilities, starting with agritourism, a sector that has lost 27% of its visitors over the past year compared to before the pandemic in 2019.

“The 25,000 agritourism establishments in Italy are therefore already at work, both for the reception of guests and for those who want to spend a day in the countryside and perhaps enjoy the cuisine of peasant chefs or dishes to take away. In fact, many companies have joined.” , equipped with the simple provision of places for picnics, tents, caravans and campers to meet the independence needs of those who love to prepare their own meals independently and may only be limited to the purchase of products from the company Campagna Amica.”

If the beginning of spring is the best time to experience the awakening of nature, it is also the time to take advantage of the sale of local products: “If the table with zero kilometer cuisine remains the most appreciated quality, choose the one. “ Agritourism – concludes Coldiretti – is the push towards local tourism with the rediscovery of small villages and small towns in the Italian countryside, which has led to structures also offering activities with innovative services for sportspeople, nostalgic, curious and environmentalists have expanded, as well as cultural activities such as visits to archaeological or naturalistic routes or wellness.

Italy is a world leader in rural tourism and can count on 253,000 beds and almost 442,000 seats in the agritourism establishments present in Italy throughout the peninsula, where – concludes Coldiretti – a profound qualification of the offer has taken place.”

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