European stock markets mixed, telecommunications sector rising

Bags in no particular order in this first session of the week. Milan with -0.27%, Frankfurt and Paris lost almost half a percentage point, while London bucked the trend and gained 0.43%. However, the American indices all started positively and confirmed their record values ​​- especially the Nasdaq, which came close to its all-time high of 16,669 points on Friday. The protagonist of the day was the telephone sector with the offer of the French group Iliad for the Italian activities of Vodafone, worth 10.45 billion euros. As a result, Vodafone shares are rising on the London Stock Exchange (+4.22%), but Tim is also running in Piazza Affari, as consolidation in the sector could put an end to the downward price war that has been weighing on profits for years. On the raw materials side, the price of oil is rising by more than three and a half percent due to the tensions around the Red Sea, which are also slowing down sea traffic for oil tankers.

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