Eighteen teams, fewer relegations, cuts to professional clubs: here is the (desperate?) project to save Italian football

Football in transition. Easier said, done. In fact, nothing has been done yet. Gabriele Gravina is responsible for Fig For over five years, he was elected twice and led to promising revolutions, of which not even a shadow was visible. Now that his second term is coming to an end and the third is already in sight, partly to respond to the crisis of a movement on the gas barrel, partly because, if not now, when FeatherCalcio I will really try to implement the famous reform of the championships: fewer professional clubs and Descentsmore financial controls, one A league which is certainly not the case in the Federation's plans league footballis expected to drop to 18 teams in the next few years and will count more politically.

THE MEETING FOR THE REMOVING OF THE VETO RIGHT ON MARCH 11 – Up until this point everything was blocked Parochialism: Everyone thinks about their own garden, no one has a common vision. Such a reform requires an agreement between the two Leagues: In short, each member has veto power. And since it is impossible to get everyone to agree, nothing was ever done. In fact, this will be the move president Gravina: Call an extraordinary meeting on March 11 to revoke the right to agreement and defuse the situation. He can do it, he needs a majority in the assembly (which he controls without any problem) and with the votes of the amateurs he will be able to override the veto from Serie A, for example. The March 11 meeting will be preceded by a series of tables technician, every Thursday from January 18th, but already this week there will be a first private meeting where the cards will be put on the table. In the event of no agreement, Gravina will do so pull straight on his way.

IN A SERIES WITH ONLY 18 TEAMS: THE IDEA THAT THE BIG TEAMS LIKE – From what is known CompletedThe reform initially involves a reduction in the number of professional clubs: 90 are too many in the times of crisis in which we live, there is no doubt about that. It will rise to 60, maximum 70. The question is how distribute them. “It will not be a computing reform that impacts the essence and simplifies the system Number of teams“It’s a topic that doesn’t fascinate me,” Gravina explained recently. But in reality it's about: how many teams there will be and especially how many in Serie A, because any reform of the Championships It would be unbelievable that the top division wasn't interested. The formula with 20 is a taboo, that Football league He doesn't want to know anything about relegation in order not to lose the income from the TV rights (that would be 38 fewer games per year that would have to be sold to the broadcasters) and not to give up ground to foreign competitors (all at 20, except Die Bundesliga). But the clubs are far from being in agreement, the big teams are beginning to convince themselves of the need for cuts, and not only that JuventusInter, Milanthe Napoli of De Laurentiisbut also Lotito's Lazio and Fiorentina Commissioner they would be for it; Gravina wants to split Serie A and impose his line. Also because the 20-man format involves risks become untenableboth at the calendar level (more and more clogged with the new). Excellent Championswaiting to understand the fate of the Superalloy), both economically; However, fewer teams also mean fewer people to divide the cake among, which will be smaller because Fig would like to increase it reciprocity (today 10% of TV rights, we're talking about 50 million more) to be assigned to the secondary categories.

FEWER REFERENCES: THE NEW FORMAT FROM 2030 – On the other hand, they will be there fewer descents: How many other knots need to be untied? Two plus one in the play-offs, or even just one Direct, plus the possible second? I agree with giving stability to the system, but this last hypothesis would destroy mobility in the country football Italian. The same mechanism is also replicated in B series, which in turn will move to 18 teams and will see a decline in turnover among its clubs (exaggerated today: 7 out of 20 change every year), as has been demanded for some time. The biggest cut will occur in Series C, which will move to the individual group (today there are three out of 20). And this is where it will end professionalism. The amateur league will also lose, which will mean the birth of such a league Storage row about itself and above all it will give up political weight (today it has 33%, too much) to Serie A. An inevitable Transition phaseThe new format could be fully operational in 2030, also to avoid problems with the TV rights that have already been sold for 20 teams until 2029 (the contracts would also remain valid for 18 teams, although with the risk of lawsuits worth millions after missing the first game). , since there is a clause Repeal up to 17 teams).

STADIUMS AND FOOTBALL CONTRACTS FOR TRUE REFORM – Reducing the number of professional clubs in order to save competitiveness is inevitable. The time is ripe, also because this time the political reporting will be about Gravina Minister Abodi, who shares the need for intervention. It is also clear that the reform will remain incomplete unless it addresses other important issues that are crucial to the restart football Italian: The players' contracts, which have to be completely rewritten Salary cap and automatic clauses in the case of descent (Gravina will have the courage to disapproveFootballers Association, who is his great ally?). The stadiums for which we have to invent something to provide clear rules of engagement (which does not mean encouraging construction speculation) and accessible resources (which the association can actually do little about on its own, but still needs an impetus from the institutions). ). Then that's just the framework Regulate of Game. To truly change Italian football, it will be necessary to change its players too Presidents.

Twitter: @lVendemiale

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