“De Angelis stays put”

The President of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca, resigns after Controversy surrounding Marcello De Angelis’ statements on the Bologna massacrethat the head of communications will not resign: “I met Marcello De Angelis late in the evening yesterday and after long reflection and a careful and sincere discussion, I decided not to withdraw his confidence. Therefore, he will remain in charge” of institutional communication in the region”.

The reactions

The majority is based on the decision of the President of the Rocca Region. The exponent of Brothers of Italy Giovanni Donzelli He said: “I wouldn’t have written that post. Afterwards, I was particularly impressed by the reactions to a journalist who expressed a personal opinion and has a very special personal story for which he deserves respect,” adds Donzelli. “I am very shocked because I did not see this attitude towards the left – I think of Badaloni when he was president of the region – who questioned this phrase as much as Marcello De Angelis. Just as I have not seen the same.” Reactions to the representatives of the left, who at the time, for example, questioned the sentence on Sofri,” he emphasizes.

In a note from the Regional Council of Lazio Martha Bonafonicoordinator of National Secretariat PD and President of the XIII. Transparency and Legality Commission writes: “The confirmation recently announced by President Rocca of Marcello De Angelis in his office in the Lazio Region is a very serious fact. A slap in the face.” to the victims of the Bologna massacre and their families, following the delusional verdicts written on social media, for which there can be no excuse unless accompanied by resignation. In the deafening silence of the government, President Rocca chooses for the umpteenth time ambiguity and his political and personal ties to justice and the historical memory of a tragedy that is still alive in the consciousness of the citizens.

The PD has also announced this tomorrow at 12 noon a protest garrison under the Lazio Region Council. This was communicated in a note by Enzo Foschi, secretary of the Pd of Rome. Even the secretary Elly Schlein asks Prime Minister Meloni for answers on the De Angelis case.

Luana Zanella, President of the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra in the Chamber, He claims that the decision to keep him in his place is attributable to Giorgia Meloni, specifying: “The De Angelis case and the failed resignation show the disturbing association of the Melonian right with the neo-fascist sectors”. not only to be attributed to President Rocca.”

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