Coldiretti, counter-exodus for 15.6 million Italians

For 15.6 million Italians, vacations ended in July, which represents an increase of 1% compared to the same period last year, despite the high prices. This emerges from the Coldiretti/Ixè balance for the Red Dot weekend, also for the departures of many of the 20 million Italians who decided to vacation in August.

The 2023 holidays – emphasizes Coldiretti – mark a clear preference for national destinations, driven by a greater proximity to places of residence, by the desire to rediscover the beauties of Italy or by the desire to return to already known places where we felt good have in the past years and it is more peaceful in terms of environment, services and people. But 29% of Italians, almost one in three travelers, have also opted for a holiday abroad.


Heavy traffic for the counter-exodus

If, for 72% of travelers, the sea is the lion’s share, in addition to the cities of art, where the heat weighs heavily, the alternative ways of getting to know the so-called Little Italy are particularly appreciated, from the parks to the countryside, from the mountains to the small villages that promote gastronomic and wine tourism. According to Terranostra Campagna Amica, the 25,000 agritourism farms are enjoying great popularity thanks to the search for more sustainable tourism.

Food is the most important part of the holiday budget in Italy, with a third of tourist spending going to the table, for an estimated total of 15 billion, which exceeds accommodation. “Italy is the only country in the world that can count primates for the quality, environmental sustainability and safety of its agri-food production, which, moreover, has helped preserve over time an area with landscapes of unique beauty,” comments Coldiretti President Ettore Prandini underlines that “food remains the driving force behind Made in Italy holidays”.

Traffic for the counter-exodus handle

Traffic for the counter-exodus

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