Brazil, news, audio and a draft coup on a Bolsonaro loyalist’s phone after November’s defeat

The lieutenant colonel Mauro Cesar Barbosa Cidbetter known as Colonel Cid, has a long history with the former President’s family Jair Bolsonaro. The Brazilian Federal Police – Reports Globe News – found exchanging messages, audio recordings and even drafting a coup d’état to keep the former president in power after losing the November presidential election. The disturbing draft would affect the so-called Glothe constitutional instrument that allows the President of the Republic to convene Armed Forces to restore public order in exceptional situations such as those that occurred onJanuary 8th in Brasilia as thousands of Bolsonarists stormed the palaces of power.

Colonel Cid remained silent on Tuesday when he was forced to testify about the substance of the coup attempt, which emerged from the messages received and exchanged Ailton Barrosthe former army major who was arrested in May, and with Colonel Elcio Franco. In the messages sent to Cid by Bolsonaro’s former allies, there are indications of a sequence of actions, writes the magazine capital card – to prevent Lula from taking over the presidency. The conspiracy would also have planned to take action against it Supreme Federal Court and sabotage the electoral system and convince the generals to break with democracy. There is still no information on whether Bolsonaro was aware of the disturbing coup footage collected by General Mauro Cesar Lourena Cid’s assistant and son, former fellow soldier of the former president in the army officer training course at the country’s military academy “Agulhas Negras.” .

The “Black Needles” academy trained high-ranking graduates who worked side-by-side with Bolsonaro during the presidency years, including the former government’s eminence grise, General Augustus Helenus, who commanded the President’s Cabinet for Institutional Security (GSI) until January 31, eight days before the Bolsonarist uprisings in Brasilia. Senator Eliziane Gama, the rapporteur of the cpmi — the National Congress’s Joint Parliamentary Inquiry Commission set up in recent days to investigate anti-democracy attacks — said Colonel Cid would be questioned immediately by the commission, which would hear military and civilians alleged to have funded the coup attempts, as well as those there activists stationed in front of the barracks during and after the presidential election. The list is long, more than 40 people, including the general Walter Braga net, former Home Secretary; Augusto Heleno, former GSI Minister; Anderson Torres, former Attorney General and Secretary of Public Safety for the Federal District; and Silvinei Vasques, former Director General of the Federal Traffic Police.

Colonel Cid was an “ajo,” as aides-de-camp are called in circles of power, who acts as a full-time private secretary, is discreet, sometimes even charges bosses’ cell phones, welcomes visitors, texts inquiries and, most importantly, lets them see and hear everything. According to the Extra newspaper, Cid took on the influential role of adviser to Bolsonaro, which aroused envy. In 2020, the soldier was forced to testify in an investigation launched by the Supreme Court after federal police found messages exchanged between Cid and blogger Allan dos Santos. In December last year, authorities concluded that Cid had committed a crime along with Bolsonaro for spreading false information about the US COVID-19. The Ajo Cid was also involved in the scandal jewels Gift from the Government of Saudi Arabia to the then First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro’s right-hand man personally committed to using a Brazilian Air Force plane to attempt to release the jewels blocked at customs. In another investigation, the federal police are investigating whether Cid and other soldiers have done anything Parallel Bank” to pay for the expenses of the former president and his family. The Bolsonaro clan denies the allegations. Among the messages found on Cid’s cellphone, investigators found one in which former Major Barros claimed to know who ordered the killings of councilwoman Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes, who was murdered by former militia officers Ronnie Lessa and Elcio Queiroz , both of whom have been identified by investigators as the actual executors of the gruesome murder.

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