Boom in visits to the Colosseum: 25,000 per day

In the months of June, July and August 2023, over 2 million (2,277,139) tickets were purchased to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, an increase of 315,493 tickets, +16% compared to the same Period 2019 (1,961). . 646 tickets) and with an average of around 25,000 visitors per day. Mic announced this in a note.

“The Colosseum turns out to be the most important and most visited archaeological and museum site in Italy and one of the most important at the international level,” said Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano. “The Roman world is also being rediscovered thanks to cinematographic works,” television series, essays and historical novels, which receive a positive response when visiting this monument. Our commitment, which we are already implementing thanks to the work of the Park Director Alfonsina Russo, is to continue to expand the offer, as happened recently with the inauguration of the Domus Tiberiana, and to increase the quality of services.

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