15 million Italians on holiday in July, +1%. Back to pre-pandemic levels

I am 15.6 million Italians decided to go on holiday in Julywith an increase of 1% compared to the same period last year. This emerges from the Coldiretti/Ixe analysis on the first weekend of the month that traditionally marks the beginning of the great upheavals in Italy, marked this year by price increases.

The 2023 holidays show a clear preference for national travel destinations – underlines the study – driven by a greater proximity to places of residence, by the desire to rediscover the beauties of Italy or by the desire to return to already familiar places where we have had a good time in recent years and where things are quieter than the environment, services and people. But there is also a 29% share of Italians, almost one in three among those who travel who has decided to spend a vacation abroad despite fears related to the problematic international situation.

In the middle of summer the sea takes the lion’s share with July, which – explains Coldiretti – traditionally marks the increase in the price lists for accommodation, food, umbrellas and sunbeds, to reach their peak in the first half of August. But in addition to the cities of art, the alternative ways of getting to know a so-called “little” Italy are particularly appreciated, from the parks to the countryside, from the mountains to the small villages that promote gastronomic and wine tourism. with up to 92% of typical nationals being born in Italian municipalities with fewer than five thousand inhabitants.

Very famous second Terra nostra Campagna Amica the 25,000 agritourism businesses in Italy Driven by the search for a more sustainable tourism, which has led to the structures also expanding the range of activities with innovative services for athletes, nostalgics, the curious and environmentalists, as well as cultural activities such as visits to archaeological or naturalistic routes or wellness.

In the summer of 2023, Essen will be the most important item in the holiday budget In Italy, a third of tourist spending goes to the table and exceeds the amount spent on accommodation, driven by the desire for conviviality. Gastronomic and wine tourism represents a privileged market for local food specialties, but it is also a driving force for the development of the territories. “Italy is the only country in the world that can count primates for the quality, environmental sustainability and safety of its agri-food production, which, moreover, has helped preserve over time an area with landscapes of unique beauty,” said the president of Der Coldiretti Ettore Prandini stressed that “food remains the driving force of Made in Italy holidays”.

74.4 million visitors from abroad are expected

Despite the still uncertain weather in many areas of Italy for this month 74.4 million visitors are expected in Italian tourist accommodation, about 4.9 million more (+7%) than last year and the same level as in 2019, before the pandemic crisis. This is estimated by CST for Assoturismo Confesercenti, based on a survey conducted among a sample of 1,492 hospitality entrepreneurs in Italy.

Estimates for July confirm the forecasts of A positive summer for the Italian tourism sector. In the summer quarter, the Italian hospitality industry is likely to record a total of 212.8 million presences, around 12.5 million more than in summer 2022 (+6.2%). To drive growthOnce again, foreign tourists (+9.6%). In fact, over 101.2 million foreign visitors are expected for the quarter, an increase of 9.6% compared to the previous year and a higher figure (+0.9%) even than in summer 2019. The number of Italian tourists also continues to grow . albeit slower. An increase of +3.3% is expected for the summer, with over 111.6 million estimated presences, still -1.2% compared to 2019.

The best results for the period are expected for catering establishments in art cities/smaller centerswith an estimated growth of +8.3%. For the summer, the estimated growth of Italians is +5.7%, while foreign presences increase by +9.7%. Also increasing is the degree of internationalization of towns, villages and smaller towns, which will mostly host foreigners (64.5% of the total). For lake locations, rural and hilly areas, the expected deviation is +7.8%.

At +5.9% and +6.6% respectively, the tourist movement to bathing and mountain resorts is also increasing. Also, the perception of companies operating in spas and “other interests” is quite positive with an estimated growth of +3.5% and +3.4% respectively.

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