It’s online on the website Theater of Rome the process of selecting the new one General Director of the Foundation: The public notice was unanimously approved by the Board at its inaugural meeting. Applications will be examined in advance by a commission of experts with qualified knowledge in the administrative field, in the field of performing arts and in the management of theatrical activities, appointed by the Board of Directors taking into account the position of the General Director In the case of the Teatro di Roma Foundation, he has both a managerial position as well as an artistic role for a term of three to five years. At the end of the evaluation work, this commission presents a shortlist (three to five names) to the administrative board, which makes its selection after the hearings.
Deadline: December 16, 2023 via certified email
The Artinvita Festival It is a multicultural, transversal and international project that, as a spokesperson for diversity, creates and welcomes new artistic forms in Abruzzo, in a spirit of openness and originality in direct relation to the vitality of contemporary production. A place open to young artists, performers, contemporary authors and new filmmakers. Artists/collectives from Abruzzo under the age of 35 are now being sought to create an installation at one of the festival locations: the ZooArt cultural space in Ortona (CH), which will be open to visitors from May 1st to 12th, 2024 during the festival’s seventh edition by Artinvita, which will take place from April 26th to May 12th, 2024. In fact, in addition to numerous entertainment events and international co-productions, Artinvita hosts installations in 4 spaces in Abruzzo every year and this year has chosen to include an Abruzzo artist through the Artists’ Call Critical zone.
Expiry: December 30, 2023
![Artinvita – International Festival of Abruzzo](
The call for proposals for the seventh edition is online Friends of Florence Prize Art and Restoration Fair in Florence. This is a grant of 20,000 euros to support a restoration project at works in Florence. Each participant can propose up to 2 restoration projects. The awards ceremony will take place during the Florence Art and Restoration Fair, which will take place from April 25 to May 1, 2024 at the Fortezza da Basso. This will be the seventh edition: during the six previous editions, 245 projects were presented, in addition to the six winning projects, the Friends of Florence found donors for another 23 projects. In total, the foundation supported 29 projects with a total donation of 580,000 euros.
Expiry: March 14, 2024
![Award from the Friends of Florence Salone dell'Arte del Restauro](
There Venice Municipal Museums Foundation (MUVE) is a private institution that manages 11 museums: Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Torre dell’Orologio, Ca’ Rezzonico, Museum of 18th Century Venice, Palazzo Mocenigo – Study Center for Textile and Costume History, Casa di Carlo Goldoni, Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art, Palazzo Fortuny, Murano Glass Museum, Burano Lace Museum and Natural History Museum. An immense cultural heritage with over 700,000 works of art, five specialized libraries, a photo archive and a well-equipped warehouse at Vega Stock in Marghera. A rich, articulated and complex museum system that MUVE has managed, protected and expanded since its founding in 2008. Recently it has been enriched by two other important partnerships that are taking shape beyond the city’s historic lagoon core, with the Candiani Cultural Center and Forte Marghera Mestre. Now he’s looking for one Deputy Conservator with tasks from Assist the Museum Curator in managing day-to-day administrative and management activities, relations with visitors, and anything deemed necessary for the care and preservation of the collections.
Expiry: December 17, 2023
![Rezzonico, ballroom](
There Foundation for the Conservation and Restoration Center “La Venaria Reale”. deals with the conservation of cultural heritage and in particular organizes laboratories for the conservation of cultural heritage with the aim of carrying out coherent, coordinated and planned planning, monitoring, prevention, conservation and restoration activities of cultural heritage. An informal, non-binding procedure will now be launched to draw up a list of external subjects suitable for the allocation of professional positions from January 2024 within the framework of specific projects that the Center for the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage has launched or intends to launch, related to the activities of Education Manager, School of Higher Education and Study, CCR Foundation. The subject of the task is the implementation and management of complex projects with a training and educational character at national and international levels.
Expiry: December 18, 2023
![La Venaria Reale Conservation and Restoration Center Foundation](