After the House of Representatives, the Senate also unanimously approved the bill

The right to be forgotten in the case of cancer is law: after passing the examination by the Chamber of Deputies in record time, the text is approved by the Senate. And this time too unanimously with 139 yes votes. After the assembly’s vote, there was long applause among the senators standing.

The law introduces provisions to prevent discrimination and protect the rights of people affected by oncological diseases. The text provides that in cases of adoption procedures, mortgage applications and banking and insurance practices, as well as in bankruptcy proceedings, the request for information on the state of health in relation to oncological pathologies for which treatment is carried out is necessary
At the time of application, the active health insurance contract has existed for more than ten years without any relapse episodes.

“With the final unanimous passage of the Oncological Oblivion Bill, which the Government has strongly supported, we are winning a battle of civilization in defense of people being cured of cancer. I thank the parliamentarians from all political forces who contributed with this provision. “Give people who have overcome cancer the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life without barriers and discrimination.” This is the comment of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci.

“The adoption of the law on the right to be forgotten in cancer puts Italy at the forefront of Europe. It is a battle of civilization that marks the end of too much discrimination suffered by citizens recovering from cancer. We are proud to have contributed to this important result.” Therefore, the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom) and the Aiom Foundation welcome the decision of the Senate, unanimously and without to approve changes. Citizens recovering from cancer in Italy will no longer face discrimination in social, professional and family life – says Francesco Perrone, President of Aiom.

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