“We can come to a joint salary proposal”

“I have proposed to the opposition to start a serious confrontation in the forum responsible for this under the Constitution, the Cnel. A quick confrontation to be concluded in 60 days with a concrete proposal on the subject of bad work. , not just minimum wage. With this method and a safe roadmap, we can arrive at a bill shared with the social partners before the budget law, an effective text based on real data that can really do justice to those who are looking for a job and those who have it they, but they are not enough for a decent life.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni explains this in a letter to Corriere della Sera the day after the meeting with the opposition at the Palazzo Chigi.

“Since taking office, the government has shown that defending the wages and incomes of Italians is the priority of its actions,” recalled the prime minister. “We have used much of the available funds to reduce the tax burden and strengthen the purchasing power of families.” And “that will be the line that we will take in the next budget law, which we are already working on.” Everyone Proposal that goes in this direction, that of income and work, merit and justice, finds our hearing, we have no ideological prejudices.” , let’s be pragmatic.” “With this compass we met with the representatives yesterday in the Palazzo Chigi of the opposition parties on their minimum wage proposal. I think that’s a sign of great respect”, “I’m satisfied with the discussion, first of all it was respectful and constructive.” because there is a common starting point: we all have the goal of protecting workers and a very long one end the era of low wages that is now being punctuated by inflation.” “There are differences on the way to the goal,” Meloni explains again. “For my part, I have reiterated that the main way to increase income is that of a nation which is growing again,” the government recalls. The prime minister said it had started and “the data is positive”. But “further initiatives that reinforce this trend are welcome.” The “tipping point is the minimum wage?” Many union forces and many labor experts have doubts. There are fears that the minimum wage could become a substitute rather than an additional parameter for workers and thus paradoxically worsen the situation of many workers. These are doubts I share, but I repeat: I have no ideological prejudices, my concern is only the dutiful concern not to intervene in such a delicate matter without the certainty of having examined all the pros and cons.” In conclusion Meloni explains that he “proposed to the opposition to start a serious confrontation at the headquarters constitutionally responsible for this, namely the Cnel, a rapid confrontation to be concluded in 60 days with a concrete proposal on the issue of poverty.” Work, not just on the minimum wage”. “I am not asking for the withdrawal of their minimum wage proposal, their political struggle continues, but they can enrich it by engaging in collective work, without geological barriers.”

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