Warmth and protection of workers, Wednesday in CDM decree for construction and agriculture. Uil: “Montagna gave birth to a little mouse”

regulatory interventions Social Fund for Construction and Agriculture for weather events they should be within a Issue a decree and arrive at the Council of Ministers tomorrow. This was learned at the end of the second heat emergency roundtable at the Department of Labour, where discussion on an ad hoc protocol was initiated. At the moment it has not been fixed a new date for the meeting between the parties. the labor minister, Marina Calderone, He explained that they were “ready with rules” to allow construction workers access to the regular cigarette extra metering and for hourly use of the Cisoawho have favourited cigarette for permanent farm workers. “We are ready to present rules that allow construction companies to access the ordinary severance fund for events that are objectively unavoidable, without these being included in the calculation of the weeks foreseen in the mobile biennium,” said Calderone, explaining that the intervention will take place for the year 2023 and “we propose to make it financially structural”. For Cisoa, the cigarette for permanent farm workers, “we are prepared to create an hourly use regime.”

The choice of decree meets the demands of the trade unions call for immediate action. “We noted positively the statements made by Minister Calderone, who announced regulatory interventions for extreme events, such as access to the cigo in construction, separate from the calculation provided for in the mobile biennium, and the cisoa in agriculture with hourly use, which I know will also be extended to seasonal workers,” said the confederal secretary Cisal. Massimo Blasi. Uil’s assessment is quite different. “No response to our request to issue a specific decree which provides for the obligation to interrupt work activity if i 32 degrees Celsius, Of course, in the event that no concrete agreements are made to adjust schedules or reorganize work, it is important to manage heat emergencies,” says the Secretary General of Uil. Pierpaolo Bombardieri.

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